Good morning! I am watching the rain fall and watching my two beautiful cats sleep...wishing that I could have so few worries as they. If only humanity were more like felines...the best line! They are much like babies, they eat-sleep-poop and want to be petted, but only on their terms! My cats wake me every morning sometime between 0300 and 0430. My alpha cat, Olympia, is not into charming wake up calls. She climbs up on the counter top and with one fell swoop of the paw or a nudge of her nose, pushes soap, toothbrush, lotion, cups, etc. into the sink or onto the floor. Now she has started reaching underneath the pillow I place on top of the night stand and she swipes the telephone off of the night stand. Anything to make a fall and crash sound so to startle me. Then a nice "MEOW"...for her that means "I'm hungry; feed me NOW, not later or this will go on until you do feed me!"
So, since both cats have been up since about 0430 (I got to sleep in this morning), they are fast asleep and I am having a cup of coffee. I will attempt to post a great comic strip that depicts "the lived experience of the doctoral student trying to figure out when she will complete her doctoral thesis". Hopefully I will figure that out sometime today. I also plan to get some writing done on the thesis and have birthday lunch with one of my best buddies, Mary Margaret. Her b'day was yesterday, so we have to feast and catch up over lunch like good southern girls.
I hope the rest of you have as few worries as my cats seem to in the midst of all the banking crises and the political Capistrano...the swallows are comin' home!