Saturday, February 7, 2009

Zogby Poll

Well, I just completed a Zogby International concerned the stimulus package. I'm sure they will look at my answers and scratch their heads. 
I also just studied my Sunday School lesson..."Pray Persistently". This was a most interesting and encouraging lesson. The neat thing about Sunday School lessons that I've found is that one can make one of these lessons as in-depth or as "scratch the surface" as one would like. I enjoy digging around in Scripture and going from reference to reference and reading all the footnotes. I find as I get older, I'm enjoying just basking in the Scripture more than I ever have before. 
I wish everyone a wonderful Sunday, and show up in the church of your choice! As Dolly Parton once said, "God don't care where you go [to church], just as long as you show up!"

Thursday, February 5, 2009

On Writing

I'm sorry I have been away from writing for so long. Blogging is  sporadic at best for me at this point. I know everyone else has as tight of a schedule as I do. Writing is something that demands practice if one expects to be good at it. I, like Clint Eastwood, know my limitations...writing does not come easy to me. One who has influenced my writing (at least my scientific writing) as much as anyone, Elizabeth Tornquist, once said, "Writing is easy, just stare at a blank piece of paper until blood drops form on your forehead!" How true in the technical realm...sometimes it is true in the creative realm. 
The more works of art and works of science I have read, the more I realize how inadequate of a writer I am. Therefore, I must practice even more to improve. Good writing takes exceptional discipline. I feel that I lack discipline very often. I struggle daily with focusing on the task at hand, then getting it accomplished. The two things that I have  committed to be disciplined enough to complete this year include reading the Bible through, and running more. I am thrilled to be working toward these goals. The third thing I am committed to is completing my dissertation. I value my faith, I value my health, and I value my education. I also value those around me. Take a moment and look around at the things you value most in life. If one takes an honest inventory, he will see that improving discipline and putting priorities in place will help life to move forward in a more organized and smoother fashion.

My Life

My Life
Mother's Flowers

My Cats

My Cats
Olympia & Athena...shhhh! Don't wake the girls.