Friday, June 13, 2008

Tim Russert's untimely death

I'm thinking about how much my family and I enjoyed watching "Meet the Press" and how my dad and I liked to watch Mr. Russert interview those in the political realm. He was a credit to TV journalism and will certainly be missed. My dad doesn't like to read very many things, but I remember talking Tim Russert's book about fathers. Daddy said, "I bet that'd be a good book." I bet it would, too. I think I'll pick up a copy for Daddy for Father's Day. I think I may buy a copy for myself, too. I'd imagine a lot of people may do that this Father's Day.
Rest well, Mr. fought the good fight and kept the faith! Your race on earth is run.

My Life

My Life
Mother's Flowers

My Cats

My Cats
Olympia & Athena...shhhh! Don't wake the girls.