I have to say that I am very fascinated with the climate of the economy in the US and worldwide and by the effect this is having on the election. As a prior supporter of Senator Hillary Clinton, I believed she was the best candidate in the race. I believe she understood the nuances of the economy, social issues the majority of the nation faces, as well as how to handle diplomacy and military action in the rest of the world. With that said, when Senator Obama clinched the Democratic nomination for President, I had thought it would be hard for me to support him. I quickly decided I had no choice but to support him and to support him wholeheartedly! As a nurse, I see people every day who cannot afford healthcare and it is not because they aren't working or they aren't trying. Most people do not realize that the average American family, self-employed and having to purchase health insurance for a family of four would have to pay approximately $12,000 per year for health care coverage. Add that cost to a $500 per person or $1000 or $1500 per family deductable, the cost of prescription drugs...regardless if your insurance provides a copay for generics or a higher copay for non-generics and maybe no help for "non-formulary" medications...now tell me how a $4000 tax credit is going to help the average family earning $30,000-$45,000 per year in Mississippi or North Carolina? McCain is really working hard for the lower and middle class, aye?! I can go on and on, but that's just one thing that bugs me, not to mention that I believe Senator McCain chose Sarah Palin just to have breasts and a vagina on the ballot with him! I think it was a total ploy, there are many more women who are better qualified than she for a Vice Presidential running mate. She is a conservative extremist who is very narrow-minded. America and any woman or person who supported Hillary Clinton and is even remotely thinking of supporting Sarah Palin and John McCain needs to perform a serious gut check! This woman supports nothing that Hillary Clinton supported.
The final beef I have today regards where Roger Wicker and Ronnie Musgrove will be placed on the ballot in Mississippi. This story has made national news...at least in the newspapers if you've been keeping up. If not, I'll gladly catch you up. The election commission in Mississippi, made up of Governor "Mississippi is Bah-Lessed" Hailey Barbour, Secretary of State Dilbert...excuse me, Delbert Hoseman, and Attorney General Jim Hood. Gov. Barbour and Secy of State Hoseman had the intent of placing Wicker and Musgrove's race for US Senate seat at the bottom of the ballot in the special election section; they were opposed by Attny. Gen. Hood and are now in a battle with Attny Gen. Hood and the Mississippi Courts to decide the names should go at the top of the ballot just under the Presidential race where by law Federal races are supposed to be placed, but since this is a "special election" to fill Sen. Trent Lott's seat, Barbour and Hoseman's argument is that it should go in the special election section. See Clarion Ledger Article.