Saturday, February 7, 2009

Zogby Poll

Well, I just completed a Zogby International concerned the stimulus package. I'm sure they will look at my answers and scratch their heads. 
I also just studied my Sunday School lesson..."Pray Persistently". This was a most interesting and encouraging lesson. The neat thing about Sunday School lessons that I've found is that one can make one of these lessons as in-depth or as "scratch the surface" as one would like. I enjoy digging around in Scripture and going from reference to reference and reading all the footnotes. I find as I get older, I'm enjoying just basking in the Scripture more than I ever have before. 
I wish everyone a wonderful Sunday, and show up in the church of your choice! As Dolly Parton once said, "God don't care where you go [to church], just as long as you show up!"

My Life

My Life
Mother's Flowers

My Cats

My Cats
Olympia & Athena...shhhh! Don't wake the girls.